NeetCode 150

CategoryPatterns# QuestionsEasyMediumHardComplexity (Avg Case)
ArraysSliding Window, Two Pointers, Prefix Sum18594O(N) – O(N log N)
StringsHashing, Two Pointers, Sliding Window14473O(N)
Linked ListFast & Slow Pointers, Recursion10352O(N)
Stacks & QueuesMonotonic Stack, LRU Cache12273O(N)
Binary SearchSearch Space Reduction, Rotated Arrays10352O(log N)
Binary TreesDFS, BFS, Recursion15483O(N)
TriesPrefix Matching, Dictionary Search5131O(N) – O(N*M)
Heap (Priority Queue)Min-Heap, Max-Heap, Kth Element Search8152O(N log K)
GraphsBFS, DFS, Topological Sort, Union-Find173104O(V+E)
Dynamic Programming (DP)Memoization, Tabulation, Knapsack222146O(N) – O(NĀ²)
IntervalsSorting, Merge Intervals7241O(N log N)
BacktrackingRecursion, Combinations & Permutations12165O(2āæ) – O(N!)
Bit ManipulationXOR, Bitwise Operations5221O(N)
Math & Number TheoryGCD, Primes, Modular Arithmetic5221O(N)

Difficulty Breakdown:

āœ… Easy: 35
šŸŸ” Medium: 87
šŸ”“ Hard: 28
Total: 150 āœ…

Key Observations:

  1. Most questions (87) are Medium, aligning with FAANG interviews.
  2. Hard problems (28) appear mostly in DP, Graphs, and Backtracking.
  3. Arrays, Strings, Trees, and Graphs are the most frequently tested topics.
  4. DP (22 questions) has the highest count, followed by Graphs (17).

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