DSA Advanced Optimization Techniques

Optimization TechniqueUsed ForTime Complexity ImprovementSpace Complexity ImprovementExplanation
Space Optimization (In-Place Computation)Modify array in-place (e.g., Remove Duplicates)No changeO(N) → O(1)Modifies input data without extra space to save memory. Used in in-place sorting, removing duplicates, modifying linked lists.
Boyer-Moore Voting AlgorithmMajority Element (LeetCode #169)O(N) (Single pass)O(N) → O(1)Efficiently finds the majority element in O(N) time & O(1) space.
Hashing (Frequency Maps, Sets)Fast Lookups, De-duplication, CachingO(N) → O(1) (Avg Case)O(N) → O(1) (Perfect Hashing)Uses hashmaps & hashsets for fast lookups, counting occurrences, and duplicate detection.
Meet in the MiddleSubset Sum, Combinatorial ProblemsO(2^N) → O(2^(N/2))No changeSplits a problem into two halves to reduce exponential complexity for subset sum & combinatorial problems.
Mo’s AlgorithmRange Queries (Distinct Elements, RMQ)O(N) → O(sqrt(N))No changeOptimizes range queries (like number of distinct elements in a range) using sqrt decomposition.
Heavy-Light Decomposition (HLD)Tree Path Queries (LCA, Sum on Path)O(N) → O(log N)No changeOptimizes tree path queries like LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) and sum on a path by decomposing trees into logarithmic chains.
BitmaskingSubset Problems, XOR QueriesO(2^N) → O(N * 2^N)O(N) → O(1)Uses bitwise operations to store & process subsets efficiently, useful in XOR problems & Dynamic Programming.
Sqrt DecompositionRange Queries, Update ProblemsO(N) → O(sqrt(N))No changeDivides data into sqrt(N) blocks for efficient range sum, min/max, and frequency queries.
Bloom FilterFast Approximate Membership QueriesO(N) → O(1) (Probabilistic)O(N) → O(1)Probabilistic data structure for fast membership testing (e.g., checking if an element exists in a dataset). Used in Google Safe Browsing, databases, and network security.
Line Sweep AlgorithmOverlapping Intervals, Event ProcessingO(N log N) (Sorting step)No changeProcesses sorted events in order to efficiently solve interval problems like meeting rooms, skyline problems, and sweep-line intersections.
Segment TreesRange Queries (Sum, Min, Max, Lazy Propagation)O(N) → O(log N) (Query/Update)O(N) → O(N)Data structure for efficient range queries (sum, min/max, range updates) in O(log N).
Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree – BIT)Prefix Sum, Inversions Count, Range QueriesO(N) → O(log N) (Query/Update)O(N) → O(N)Optimizes prefix sum & range updates with O(log N) time. Simpler than segment trees, used for inversions counting & frequency tables.

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